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English для чайников  

|13 Мая 2015
is it really the difference between to draw(with the help of pencil) and to paint (brush and paints)?

Если просто ответить то drawing это черчение, а painting, красить, рисовать.

|13 Мая 2015
Was it really difficult for you to learn English, to understand native speakers or your husband was your best English teacher? Were you nervous the first working day ? Though,it was long ago, I'm sure you remember those days. Would you tell us some words about your first steps on this land,please? What were your first year impressions?

I  learned English at school and the University in Ukraine. It was British English. But when I came to America it was super difficult,because American is a lot different!  In my first year I almost didn't understand native speakers and they didn't understand me.Yes, my husband helped me a lot!

Patience is a key and speaking slow is important for beginners!

My first day at my job was tense and sressful. But they paid me anyway.Fortunately my daughter was with me working as well.

Concerning my first days in this land, I slept 2 days in a row.It was January and I came from Ukraine to Orlando Florida-from cold to warm.

Then I had a very patient and kind fiancee(husband now) work with me on pronunciation,vocabulary, American life style(bank,doctors,shopping ...basically living in America).

Hey, Stephanie. I wrote  a mini essay(соченение) for you.

I'll be available if you have more questions.

Для Бога нет ничего невозможного- это я уже точно знаю!
|13 Мая 2015
Цитата Маруша
:"Is Sarah drowing or painting

Oops...I actually made a mistake. It's drawing,not drowing...

Для Бога нет ничего невозможного- это я уже точно знаю!
|13 Мая 2015
Цитата Маруша
I learned English at school and the University in Ukraine. It was British English. But when I came to America it was super difficult,because American is a lot different! In my first year I almost didn't understand native speakers and they didn't understand me.Yes, my husband helped me a lot! Patience is a key and speaking slow is important for beginners! My first day at my job was tense and sressful. But they paid me anyway.Fortunately my daughter was with me working as well. Concerning my first days in this land, I slept 2 days in a row.It was January and I came from Ukraine to Orlando Florida-from cold to warm. Then I had a very patient and kind fiancee(husband now) work with me on pronunciation,vocabulary, American life style(bank,doctors,shopping ...basically living in America).

Если вы не возражаете, то внесем небольшие исправления и ваш рассказ  в след. варианте будет звучать на все 100%!

I  learned English at school and the University in Ukraine. It was British English. But when I came to America it was super difficult, because American English is very different!  In my first year I almost didn't understand native speakers at all and I am sure they didn't understand me either. Yes, my husband helped me a lot!

Patience is key, and speaking slowly is important for beginners!

My first day at my job was tense and sressful. But they paid me anyway. Fortunately my daughter was working with me as well.

Concerning my first days in this country, I slept 2 days in a row. It was January and I came from Ukraine to Orlando, Florida - from cold to warm.

Then I had a very patient and kind fiancee (husband now) working with me on pronunciation, vocabulary, and adjusting to the American lifestyle (bank, doctors, shopping ...basically living in America).

|13 Мая 2015
Цитата Маруша
I learned English at school and the University in Ukraine. It was British English. But when I came to America it was super difficult,because American is a lot different! In my first year I almost didn't understand native speakers and they didn't understand me.Yes, my husband helped me a lot! Patience is a key and speaking slow is important for beginners! My first day at my job was tense and sressful. But they paid me anyway.Fortunately my daughter was with me working as well. Concerning my first days in this land, I slept 2 days in a row.It was January and I came from Ukraine to Orlando Florida-from cold to warm. Then I had a very patient and kind fiancee(husband now) work with me on pronunciation,vocabulary, American life style(bank,doctors,shopping ...basically living in America). Hey, Stephanie. I wrote a mini essay(соченение) for you. I'll be available if you have more questions.

I almost didn't understand native speakers and they didn't understand me  = I almost didn't understand native speakers and they didn't either. ( It looks better due to avoiding repetition )

Row = bench

I had a very patient and kind fiancee(husband now) work with me   work = working

I had a very patient and kind fiancee(husband now) working with me ...

Please, don't shoot me after that

|13 Мая 2015
Цитата Долфин
they didn't either

Is it possible-

neither did they ?


Цитата Долфин
working with me ...

It's sounds better))


Цитата Римма
my daughter was working with me as well.

It's seems to me that she was a student there

|13 Мая 2015
Цитата Маруша
Hey, Stephanie. I wrote a mini essay(соченение) for you

Marusha, thank you very much!

I really appreciated it! Your story was very interesting and useful for me))


Цитата Маруша
I'll be available if you have more questions.

A have a lot of questions!

I would be happy, if  you only have time and wish


Цитата Hope
Eсли просто ответить то drawing это черчение, а painting, красить, рисовать.

Thank you,HOPE. It was pleasant to hear you))

Rimma and Dolphin, I've just read your recommendations. Thanks for your help!

Have a good day...

|13 Мая 2015
I've just read your recommendations.

Увы, это были не рекомендации,  Долфин и я исправили   грамматические ошибки в тексте... кстати одни и те же...молодец Долфин... Только пожалуйста  всем... не обижайтесь или прямо скажите  , что это делать не надо...я пойму и все будет окидоки...

|13 Мая 2015
Цитата Римма
Увы, это были не рекомендации, Долфин и я исправили грамматические ошибки в тексте

Rimma, I try to master my English, though I had never experience in conversation with those, who live many years in English speaking countries.

That's why my poor vocabulary may cause misunderstanding.

Nevertheless,I am glad to have an opportunity to learn the language.

I meant correcting mistakes is  a recomendation, a piece of advice for me at least to pay attention and do my best in  the same situation.


Цитата Римма
Только пожалуйста всем... не обижайтесь или прямо скажите , что это делать не надо...я пойму и все будет окидоки...

I'm afraid, I didn't understand what you were speaking about?

|13 Мая 2015
I'm afraid, I didn't understand what you were speaking about?

если кто-то обижается на мои исправления .... прошу заранее извинения... если кто-то не хочет, чтобыв их в текстах исправляли ошибки - пожалуйста скажите и все будет понято... ведь никто не гарантирован от них...  but everything is up to you, guys...

|13 Мая 2015

А ваш техт будет очень хорошо и правильно читаемым в след. варианте:

I am trying to master English, though I don't  have experience in conversation with people who have lived in English speaking countries for many years.

As a result, my poor vocabulary may cause misunderstanding.

Nevertheless, I am glad to have an opportunity to learn the language.

I see the correction of mistakes as an opportunity for me to pay attention and do my best in similar situations in the future.

|13 Мая 2015
Цитата Маруша
In my first year I almost didn't understand native speakers and they didn't understand me.Yes, my husband helped me a lot!
Цитата Римма
In my first year I almost didn't understand native speakers at all

Римма и Долфин,спасибо за небольшие корректирoвки...Риммочка, только хотела показать Вам, что в этом предложении я написала almost( почти).Т.е. что-то я знала и понимала.

Поэтому at all сюда не подходит. I knew some English.At all means I knew nothing.


Цитата Долфин
Row = bench

In American  English, a bench is a long wooden seat with or without back support.The row comes from those who are sitting on the bench.

2 days in a row = 2  дня подряд(2 consecutive days).


Цитата Долфин
Please, don't shoot me after that

No I would not do that. I  ran out of bullets. Thanks for your help and friendship.

Для Бога нет ничего невозможного- это я уже точно знаю!
|13 Мая 2015
Цитата Маруша
Римма и Долфин,спасибо за небольшие корректирoвки...Риммочка, только хотела показать Вам, что в этом предложении я написала almost( почти).Т.е. что-то я знала и понимала. Поэтому at all сюда не подходит. I knew some English.At all means I knew nothing.
Цитата Долфин
I almost didn't understand native speakers and they didn't understand me = I almost didn't understand native speakers and they didn't either. ( It looks better due to avoiding repetition )

Нет проблем. Согласна. На ваше усмотрение, но вариант Долфина звучит более точнее и более правильно, для меня, более по-взрослому что-ли..  

|13 Мая 2015
That's why my poor vocabulary may cause misunderstanding.
Цитата Римма
As a result, my poor vocabulary may cause misunderstanding.

Римма, мне кажется СТЕФАНИЯ написала правильно... Это была просто ее разговорная речь.(casual talk). Вы тоже правы. Только  сказали по другому... Но оба случая я считаю правильными..

Для Бога нет ничего невозможного- это я уже точно знаю!
|13 Мая 2015
Цитата Маруша
Но оба случая я считаю правильными..


|13 Мая 2015
Цитата Римма

Риммочка, я не знаю или наши неамериканские друзья поймут значение  слова "Cool".I think it's an American slang!

"Cool"-Really good. I like it!


Dear friends, I need your help.

My daughter has  her college graduation ceremony today. She finished in December and now is working  in her  field of education. We are very thankful!

The ceremony is starting at 4 p.m.

I'll post the pictures later.

What should I wear?

Is it supposed to be Semi- Formal or casual?

Semi- Formal:


Для Бога нет ничего невозможного- это я уже точно знаю!
|13 Мая 2015

Еще в том ессэ не хватало слитности из-за того, что не были правильно употреблены conjunctions. Поэтому смотрелось костубато немного. Я сразу не написал, чтобы не перегружать. Но чужие ошибки видно лучше. Не знаю, чтобы было, если бы я писал что-то. Эссэ писал последний раз осенью

Еще я разбираюсь немного в грамматике. Если кого интересуют сложные разделы - говорите. Разбираем модульно и до конца. Например, условия, виш и тд

|13 Мая 2015


if I were you, I would choose a dress.

It's not necessary a black one, but most definitely a dress or one of women's  business suits, pant suits, dress suits, two piece suits ...

I like this style. It's a little bit official, but elegant. You'll be awesome!

My congratulations to your daughter and the whole family


It's a familiar word for the most Russian-Ukrainian students

Cool! - we translate it as "Круто! ЗдОрово!"

|13 Мая 2015
Цитата Долфин
Если кого интересуют сложные разделы - говорите. Разбираем модульно и до конца. Например, условия, виш и тд

Мне бы очень хотелось "чувствовать" нюансы условий реальных/нереальных/ относящихся к прошлому и пр. и,конечно, на "ты" бы с виш перешла с радостью))

Долфин, я всеми руками "за", и очень благодарна за предложение.

|13 Мая 2015
Мне бы очень хотелось "чувствовать" нюансы условий реальных/нереальных/ относящихся к прошлому и пр

Реальные к прошлому не относятся, так как считается, что мы уже знаем, что произошло. Поэтому прошлое, это только нереальное. т.е. вот кабы так, то было бы вот так, а не так , как на самом деле. Реальное условие - это только будущее. Вилка - если так, то реально будет вот так.

Например, то что вы написали по поводу платья ( нереальное условие ), может относится и к настоящему и к будущему. в зависимости от контекста. Теперь загоним это в прошлое.

If I had been you I would have chosen a dress.

Действие уже завершилось и выпускной прошел, на котором девочка была не в платье , а в чем то другом. Мы говорим, что если бы Вы были на ее месте ( нереально ), то выбрали бы платья. Здесь оттенок сожаления о ее поступке, может быть нравоучения. По контексту.

Вообще, это связано вообще с пониманием предпоршедшего времени . Я думаю что для нас важны просто тренировки. Когда знаем, то начинаем замечать.


if I were you, I would choose a dress

Но Вы уже будущее нереальное правильно употребили.

|14 Мая 2015

Долфин, спасибо огромное!

Кое-что проясняется, становится немного полегче.

Потренируюсь, попробую вникнуть в "три типа" условных.

Если что, буду обращаться.

Спасибо, ребята, вы здорово помогаете

|14 Мая 2015

Есть смысл сразу учить и Wish, As if, as though контрукции, потому что похожее построение. Пока у меня есть время, задавайте вопросы по грамматике.

|14 Мая 2015
if I were you, I would choose a dress. It's not necessary a black one, but most definitely a dress or one of women's business suits, pant suits, dress suits, two piece suits ... I like this style. It's a little bit official, but elegant. You'll be awesome!

Thank you, Stephanie, for your advice. I actually wore black slacks and a pink blouse. And it was kind of Semi-Formal style.

The ceremony was incredible! There were close to 10 000 people in all, and almost 2000 degrees and certificates were handed out(вручено).

There were graduates(выпускники) from 34 nations.

It was difficult to spot(найти) my daughter amongst all the students.

Here she is in low part of the picture, wearing glasses:

Для Бога нет ничего невозможного- это я уже точно знаю!
|14 Мая 2015
Цитата Маруша
The ceremony was incredible!

Marusha, you are happy parents!

Thank you for sharing these photos with us and your happiness as well

I believe it was  an unforgetable ceremony.

I saw your daughter at once. She is always nice and graceful ))

You are proud of Irina,aren't you?

Is she working now as a teacher?

God bless all of you!


New words for me were slacks (are they pants?) and to spot

It was interesting to listen to you. I was waiting for these impressive photos!


|14 Мая 2015
You are proud of Irina,aren't you? Is she working now as a teacher?

Hi, Stephanie,

Oh yes, we are proud of her in a right way,because she is a blessing from the Lord!

Yes,she is teachinng right now and  leaving the house at 6:45 in the morning. Sometimes she is coming home at 9:30 at night because of other responsibilities.


New words for me were slacks (are they pants?

Yes, they are fancy(very nice) pants.


to spot

To spot is to visually notice or recognize someone or some thing in a very big crowd.

Example:"Do you spot her in the crowd?"


God bless all of you!

Thank you,Stephanie. How is your daughter? I saw a couple photos of her dancing.She is very beautiful and graceful.

And your husband mentioned about her Master's degree. Do you  have ceremonies in Ukraine like we have?


God bless all of you too!

Для Бога нет ничего невозможного- это я уже точно знаю!
|15 Мая 2015
Цитата Маруша
she is a blessing from the Lord!

I'm sure she feels His Love every moment of her life


Цитата Маруша
she is teachinng right now and leaving the house at 6:45 in the morning. Sometimes she is coming home at 9:30 at night because of other responsibilities

She has chosen a noble profession. What subject does she teach? Does Irina teach little children?

Oh, Marusha, I don't know different names for little ones according to the various periods of their age.Could you help me? Who are they: baby, kid, child, toddler, teenager etc.?


Цитата Маруша
they are fancy(very nice) pants.

You were great indeed, weren't you?

Were you wearing necklace, ear-rings or bracelets?

I like girls and women put them on, but I prefere only watching somebody's wearig them. As to my daughter, she likes both jewelry and bijou))


Цитата Маруша
"Do you spot her in the crowd?"


I know a new phrase! Thank you))


Цитата Маруша
How is your daughter? I saw a couple photos of her dancing

She is a professional dancer. She's just come back from Hungary. They gave 27 concerts for 28 days. And each day in other towns, but they didn't change the hotel in Budapest. So they used to return to the capital.

Though it was not easy, she was happy!

We're going to have a little party tomorrow. We haven't seen each other for ages!

She has lost her weight( Poor child...

Our daughter's at her house just from the railway station

Home sweet home....


Marusha, thank you very much!

|15 Мая 2015
Цитата Маруша
And your husband mentioned about her Master's degree. Do you have ceremonies in Ukraine like we have?

The ceremony will be in June. It won't be such impressive as your daughter's one.

Her Academy is in the most amazing place in the city!

It's location is on the territory of Kyiv Pechersk Lavra.

So people should behave there accordingly.

|16 Мая 2015
What subject does she teach? Does Irina teach little children? Oh, Marusha, I don't know different names for little ones according to the various periods of their age.Could you help me? Who are they: baby, kid, child, toddler, teenager etc.?

Hi Stephanie,

First of all, I'd like you to know how good is your English ! When I was living in Ukraine, I didn't write like you. Keep up the good work!

My daughter is teaching the 3rd grade(3-й класс).But her degree is Elementary Education that allows her to work from Kindergarten through the 5th grade(5-11 years old). In her class now she currently has 28 children.

She has assistants helping her with the class.


Who are they: baby, kid, child, toddler,

Infants are babies under 1 year old. Toddlers are children  1-3 yers old.


Were you wearing necklace, ear-rings or bracelets? I like girls and women put them on, but I prefere only watching somebody's wearig them. As to my daughter, she likes both jewelry and bijou))

Yes, I was wearing  a necklace,earings,my engagement and wedding rings. But they were simple. I prefer modest accessories.


As to my daughter, she likes both jewelry and bijou))

Iryna doesn't care for jewelry at all. I hope she will wear a wedding ring when God brings the right man into her life.


She has lost her weight( Poor child... Our daughter's at her house just from the railway station

Oh Stephanie, don't worry about her weight... She is a young, strong  lady and  just needs a holiday with her parents. I'm sure her mother knows what to do for her.


Her Academy is in the most amazing place in the city!

Wow!!! What a beautiful place! What is her major(профессия)? Probably Performing Arts(что-то артистическое по танцам). Please, send us photos of her graduation.Thanks

Для Бога нет ничего невозможного- это я уже точно знаю!
|16 Мая 2015
Цитата Маруша
My daughter is teaching the 3rd grade

I'm amazed how creative she is. She brings to her class a lot  of ingenuity(разнообразные поделки и конструкции), crafts like poster boards, parental gifts and more. Ira just doesn't  want her lessons to be boring(скучными) and  children stay interested and enjoy it.

I know for sure that God directed  her to this career.And Ira has a passion for it.


Для Бога нет ничего невозможного- это я уже точно знаю!
|17 Мая 2015
Цитата Маруша
I'm amazed how creative she is.

I'm sure, she is! The most important thing is that she loves children and she wants them to learn playing. The very first teacher's task's not to subdue their curiosity and interest to education.

Ira's charming girl, it goes without saying, that the children adore her.


Цитата Маруша
Hi Stephanie, First of all, I'd like you to know how good is your English ! When I was living in Ukraine, I didn't write like you. Keep up the good work!


Thank you for your encouragement))

I like foreign languages and enjoy learning them.

But it's a real problem for me to count, so mathematics, physics,chemistry are still mysterious sciences for me...

Letters and sounds are much more pleasant than figures, diagrams and formulas


Цитата Маруша
In her class now she currently has 28 children. She has assistants helping her with the class.

Though there were 44 children in my first class, the average number of pupils in contemporary classes is about 23-28.

We have private schools too. It's not allowed to be more than 12 children in  a class.

I know about the assistants. They might really help teachers not to interrupt their teaching process. Our teachers look like universal soldiers.


Цитата Маруша
Infants are babies under 1 year old. Toddlers are children 1-3 yers old.

Thank you, Marusha, sometimes I met these words in the internet shops for children


Цитата Маруша
I hope she will wear a wedding ring when God brings the right man into her life.


As a rule,most parents are a little bit  anxious about it.


Цитата Маруша
I'm sure her mother knows what to do for her.

Oh, she has trainings the whole working day. Inspite of her good appetite she is slim because of her work

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English для чайников  

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